
Student Projects

Latest Projects done by our Students.
Project Title
Student Name
Movie Prediction with New dataset using Machine Learning Algorithms DIVYA YASHIKA Scikit Learn + Classification Algms + MySql
Differentiating of Skin Cancer from Skin Rashes using Image Classification VASANTH KUMAR TensorFlow + Keras(CNN) + Flask
Time Based Customer Tracker - Fully Automated service for Beauty Parlour GAYATHRI A Advanced Python
Developed A Python Distribution Package for Physics Calculations MADHUMITHA Advanced Python
Exploration of Neural Network algorithms with Stock Price Prediction PRADEEPAN SENTHIL TensorFlow + Keras
Chatbox Application for Saravana Stores SUJATHA Advanced Python + Deep Learning + NLP + TensorFlow + Keras

We always make sure our students upskills their knowledge at the higest level.

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Madanapuram, Mudichur Road
Chennai, TN, India
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+91 73580 88337
Mon - Fri, 8:00-22:00